Saturday, July 09, 2005

Progress with Mary Carrillo

I've gotten to know Mary Carrillo over the last year through Cannon Training and we've decided to combine efforts. Right at this very moment our emphasis will be on helping kids and their schools in a village in Belize. Mary and I have discussed different options including becoming part of the Heritage Foundation. Mary has been making trips to Belize for some time now and she is a seasoned traveller, having visited dozens of countries. Here is the rough draft list of items requested for Mary's trip in August.

Any school supplies

Pens, pencils, crayons, markers, chalk, paints, paintbrushes, notebooks, coloring books, new or used, scissors, construction paper, rubber bands, glue, glue sticks, stapler, staples

Any tape - scotch, masking, strapping
Old and new calendars
Children's books
Any craft supplies
Any sewing supplies
Cloth or plastic shopping bags for women or children, storage bags, sandwich and gallon size that can be sealed
Hair ornaments for girls

Sandals for men, women, children
Shirts for men, women, children
Short sleeve, white or light color shirts or blouses for school uniforms
Any size bandaids
All sizes - antibiotic, cortisone, and first-aid cream
Bug repellent and sunscreen for children
Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamins and over the counter meds

There is no medical clinic in this village
Mary would like to start one

Kitchen towels for making tortillas
Washcloths and hand towels for bathing
Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes any size
Please check for any of these items in your home
Items do not have to be new, only in useable condition

All items will be distributed to St. Isabella's Primary School
Harmony Hut Preschool and The Community Baboon Sanctuary

In Bermuda Landing

Mary Carrillo's LinkedIn Profile

Click on the title of today's post to visit my networking blog - Build Relationship Build Income - get stuff done faster through networking! Network!

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